Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I'm very excited about starting to work on my first interior design project. Matthew's aunt Robin recently asked me to help decorate her guest bedroom and I jumped at the opportunity. Not only am I going to be doing what I love most, I'll also be learning in the process. There is nothing more fascinating to me than the design process. From conceptualization to realization, decorating is so much more than just picking a wall color and pillows. Whenever I'm asked to design a room as part of a school project, I always start with a work of art. Whether it's contemporary canvas art or a framed Klimnt, there is so much life and color in artwork that I am instantly inspired and start brainstorming. Artwork helps point you in many directions including bedding (patterned or plain?) and accessories. In Robin's case, she fell in love with this painting from Cost Plus and wanted to center the design concept around this. She has some existing furniture that we will be able to reuse in the new room and will not be purchasing any new furniture. The main work will lay in painting the walls, reupholstering some of the existing cushions (on a chair and bench) and framing some other artwork. Below is a VERY rough color board that I threw together during lunch today. Photobucket It's a start but still a far cry from what the room will evolve into. The bedding may have to be neutralized a little since this pattern may be a little too bold and busy. Like I said, just some basic ideas of what we're getting ourselves into. I am thrilled to start putting it all together with Robin, but before then, there is a lot of prep work to look forward to.

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