About twice a month on Friday I sit down with my laptop and open up a Craigslist tab, a new Microsoft Word page and iTunes to compile my bi-weekly Garage Sale Hoppin' list. It's comprised of what I think will be the best of the best garage sales the following morning, and since time is of the essence when it comes to garage sales, I don't like wasting gas driving around and looking for the jackpot. Many of the garage sale postings are a waste of time and effort, and from the ones which include photos you can generally tell the good from the bad. If there are pictures of a lot of electronics, tools, or baby things I skip those since I'm not in any position to buy anything from those genres. I use my go-to keywords: antiques, vintage, old to filter out any sales that won't interest me and can usually narrow it down to the few that I feel are most worth my while. Although I always prefer estate sales over garage sales, they are harder to come by the further away from the Bay you are located and even if you do score, the items are generally pretty cliche and beat up. This isn't to say that I haven't gotten lucky before in my area, but we all know the best estate sales are in Berkeley, Oakland, Alameda and Piedmont. This is no secret.
This morning, and by morning I mean 7:30, Matt's mom and I met to go garage sale shopping in town. She was a woman on a mission whereas I never really know what I'm looking for until I find it. Here's my mental list of things that I am always looking for because you can never have enough of the following, and any other antiques that I find are cherries on top:
1. Antique buttons
2. Doilies
3. White candles
4. Distressed picture frames
5. Mason jars
I can pretty much do anything with any of the above items and am always happy when I come across some unused white candles or beautiful antique buttons (more on this project in a future post). But today was very special because I found a button that should be on a Top 10 list of antique buttons. Call me crazy, but there is something so sentimental about buttons that I truly love. I do have a craft project in the works with buttons but still need many more until I reveal it. For now, I will show you my most prized button...I paid a whole quarter for it.
This button was in a massive pile of random buttons, pins, earrings, pendants etc. But I didn't care, I stood there and sifted through all the junk to find this treasure. Of course, I have no idea who the woman in the photos is, but it's extremely aged and I'm very curious as to how the button was made.
I know, I know, why do I have an entire blog entry dedicated to one button? I can only justify this by saying that it's very rare to find such a tiny, nostalgic photo, much less trapped in a button forever. I'll put this little one to good use and file it under one of my favorite garage sale finds to date.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
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SO cool! I love it! :)
What a neat little treasure.
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